Friday, November 23, 2012

Our Engagement - A Beautiful Mess

Saturday 17.11.2012

Sabtu minggu kemarin adalah hari aku dan fajrul bertunangan a.k.a first ga deg-degan sama sekali santai bahkan rumah dan seisinya masih aga santai,yang ga santai cuma tenda sudah terpasang dan pegawai-pegawai catering berdatangan dan mulai sibuk setting-setting meja..dan siang-siang baru deh mulai sibuk angkat-angkat meja, kursi and so on.. Sampai sekitar jam 2 siang aku dapet surprise dari Putri Esti dan Ronald, thankies for the tiramisu guys it means a lot for me *group hugs*.
Setelah selesai beres-beres langsung meluncur ke salon untuk hair do..untuk acara hari ini aku memang sengaja make up sendiri, berusaha mempraktekan hasil tutorial dari youtube hihihi..

Jam 5 sore, saudara-saudara dari pihak papa mulai berdatangan dan aku baru mulai siap-siap untuk make up. Sekitar jam 6.30 malam setelah maghrib fajrul kasih kabar kalau dia dan keluarganya sudah otw kerumah, baru berasa deg-degan dan mikir yang aneh-aneh hihihihi.. Jam 7 malam lewat sedikit akhirnya acara mulai berlangsung. Aga sedikit berantakan mungkin karena grogi ya MC nya hehehe tapi Alhamdulilah pada akhirnya Lamaran diterima..aga malu dan nervous menjawab pertanyaan Papa "Anakku Anti, Fajrul telah datang untuk menyampaikan niatnya meminang Anti apakah kamu bersedia?" and when i tried to answer, i felt like i wanna cry.Even if i cried its a happy tears..then i answered "Jika Papa dan Mama merestui dan InsyaAllah Allah meridhoi, Anti menerima pinangan Fajrul dengan segala kekurangan Anti"..

Alhamdulilah berjalan lancar walaupun masih banyak kekurangan..satu tahap telah terlalui.. Masih ada beberapa tahap menunggu mohon doanya supaya segala persiapan aku dan fajrul untuk menikah bisa selalu memperoleh kelancaran..amiin.. :')

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Monday, October 1, 2012

27th Birthday

Last Friday September 28th 2012 was my 27th birthday,i can't say anything but to be grateful. Dear Allah SWT thank you for my-every-breath untill now,for all the good and bad things they all has given me lessons of life..

Compare to last year when was  in  "fallin-apart" phase after the break up,this year is TOTALLY DIFFERENT.. I'm in a relationship with my so called beyboo Mr.Fajrul Irawan who is goin to be my future husband insyAllah :)

I got this early morning surprise from him.. Thankies so much sayang it means the world to me *kisses* love you more..



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Friday, June 1, 2012

My Mixie and Matchie

Ooohh i love everything bout fashion..

Dress : petitecupcakes
Bag : Coach
Shoes : vincci

Dress : forever21
Bag : Mango
Shoes : Selittoesshoes

Dress : blancVie
Necklace : Tea Label
Bag : Bally
Shoes : Charles and Keith

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Friday, May 25, 2012

My style of the day

Yeaayyy!!its friday finale!!

As i'm going to my boyfie's niece birthday tonite so i'm wearing this simple mini dress with a navy blue cardigan and my new red longchamp planete bag plus my lovely red flat shoes.. Sophisticated enough!! ;D

Dress : no brand
Cardigan : gaudi
Trousser : (X)s.m.l
Bag : Longchamp planete
Shoes : Malaysia local brand

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Friday, May 18, 2012

My style of the day

Last wednesday im wearing this flowery dress with all-over touch of blue to office,i choose this dress in midweek since tomorrow is a public holiday in Indonesia and i'm meeting my ex-office bestie "putri" plus esti and ronald..

Dress : tailor made
Outer : white closet
Bag : Taiwan local brand
Shoes : by silettoes

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rainbow Velvet Cake

Rainbow cake, rainbow cupcake, red velvet cake oh whatever u name it..these cakes are such a "boom" these days not quite sure when these cakes became such a huge trend in Jakarta..
Lots of cakery / cake store, cafe and people offer the same cake. They even dare to declare to be the best one in town, but sometimes your eyes can fool you coz i have tasted some of these cakes in different places,from the most popular place in one of cafe..but the taste just dont feel right..the taste doesnt represents the price. Oh ya these cakes are quite expensive..
Then one day one of my closest friend introduce me to her sister in law home-made cake.. I gotta wait for couple days since she's full ordered.. Then the wait is over fellas.. Its the best rainbow velvet ever, though at first i kinda shocked with the sour cream cheese but then i love the taste!its unique and different! U gotta taste it..grab them here :
@uglycupcake_s or contact here to order +6287876718709

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Don't Say GoodBye..say Goodluck!

Waroeng Kopi - Grand Indonesia

Here we start..
Yesterday was the farewell party of abrar and putri..they finally graduated from our office (then when will be my time leaving this company?!hix)

It was a great time since we can hangout together,when the alumnies and the so called wanting to be alumnies (including me) can have a nice chit chat and share some stories bout their activities and of course about how good their new company hihihi..

Putri and Abrar, i wish you goodluck on your new path and journey..wish you loads of happiness a head..keep in touch and i will always miss the both of your present.. :,)


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